Unabiding To The Husband’S Virtue

Unabiding To The Husband’S Virtue Manga

Alternative: Unabiding to the Husband’s Virtue manhua Bù Shǒu Fū Dé Unruly Husband 不守夫德 不守夫德(别名:撒娇女帝最好命) 撒娇女帝最好命 転生女帝は夫に徳を守らせたい
View: 475500 views
Author(s): 猫猫头
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Josei, Romance,
Status: Ongoing
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Unabiding To The Husband’S Virtue Content

Si Long lived in a matriarchal society in her last life. As the Empress, she took the supreme power, enjoyed countless beauties and infinite wealth. But she travelled to another world and suprisedly found it a patriachal society! What's more, she even has to bear children on her own! This is intolerable! But my imperial teacher is really tasty?!Unabiding to the Husband's Virtue manhuaB Shu F DUnruly Husband(:)

Unabiding To The Husband’S Virtue chapters