The Witch’S Heart

The Witch’S Heart Manga

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Author(s): Blacklapiz
Genre: Fantasy, Romance,
Status: Ongoing
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The Witch’S Heart Content

Arianna Blackhart is 300-year-old witch. During her life she always felt bored. One day Arianna found a baby who was abandoned outside her door. To get rid of boredom, she decided to take care of the baby. As time goes by, Arianna’s heart will change. [Official Indonesian Description] Arianna Blackhart adalah seorang penyihir berusia 300 tahun. Selama hidupnya ia selalu merasa bosan. Suatu hari, Arianna menemukan bayi laki-laki yang ditelantarkan di depan gerbangnya. Demi menghilangkan kebosanan, ia memutuskan untuk merawat bayi itu. Seiring berjalannya waktu, hati Arianna ikut berubah. The english translation is uploaded to Mangadex under license obtained from the copyright holder.