Qing Dong

Qing Dong Manga

Alternative: 晴冬
View: 67100 views
Author(s): 人子Rz
Genre: Fantasy, Historical, Romance, Slice of life, Supernatural,
Status: Ongoing
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In a beautiful and fantastical world—the Yanhuo Empire—the story of some cute and cheerful kids takes place in Haixi town. Brought together and separated due to love, how will their story unfold…?---**Note:** Please support the creator and read the original webcomic (https://www.kuaikanmanhua.com/web/topic/14152/).(https://weibo.com/u/7174237452)(https://bcy.net/u/102079694479)(https://space.bilibili.com/253026258/)(https://zh.moegirl.org.cn/index.php?title=%E4%BA%BA%E5%AD%90Rz)

Maybe coming in the next issue