Ninja Chronicles: The Legend Of Kagemaru

Ninja Chronicles: The Legend Of Kagemaru Manga

Alternative: 忍者武芸帳(影丸伝) ; Ninja Bugeichou (Kagemaru Den)
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Author(s): Shirato Sanpei
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Historical, Martial arts, Seinen, Tragedy,
Status: Ongoing
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Ninja Chronicles: The Legend Of Kagemaru Content

A historical manga that depicts people who defy fate and live by faith in a world of war.(from MangaUpdates):The classic, long ninja saga. Many intertwined themes and many characters. It is a series that is as well a traditional samurai tale as an attempt of Shirato to uncover the role of revolting peasants in feudal Japan. It was adapted into a film by Nagisa Oshima in 1966.Kagemaru is a fictional samurai, the hero of the story, aiding the peasants in their struggle for life. Nobunaga Oda, the historical 16th century warlord is his opponent.