Nanika Mochigatte Masuka

Nanika Mochigatte Masuka Manga

Alternative: なにかもちがってますか, 有什么措了吗, 有木有搞错, Nanika Mochigatte masu ka, Nanika Mochigatte Masuka
View: 20474 views
Artist(s): Kitoh Mohiro
Genre: School Life, Supernatural, Sci fi,
Status: Completed
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Nanika Mochigatte Masuka Content

In the casual days of the spring of his third year in middle school, Mitsuru Hibino meets transfer student Kouzou Issha, who develops his special power. Issha commands Hibino to use his lethal “power” to “correct the errors of this world”.Their first step is to “kill those who drive while using their cell phones”.While getting their hands dirty with what society ...