Kuudere Sugiru Mirai No Yome No Mendouna 7-Kakan

Kuudere Sugiru Mirai No Yome No Mendouna 7-Kakan Manga

Alternative: 7 troublesome days with the future bride who is too kuudere ; Kuudere Sugiru Mirai no Yome no Mendouna 7-kakan ; クーデレすぎる未来の嫁の面倒な7日間 ; 冷酷而又可爱到不行的未来的新娘的麻烦的七天
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Author(s): Kiri Kizamu Getsuyou Yasumi
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, Shounen, Slice of life, Smut,
Status: Ongoing
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Kuudere Sugiru Mirai No Yome No Mendouna 7-Kakan Content

Picking up what appeared to be a runaway girl, next to the cigarette vending machine at a convenience store, Hira Katsuki, the protagonist, reluctantly takes her home to protect her, thinking it would be troublesome to leave her with a handmade cardboard tag around her neck that says "Please pick me up" and that she would be involved in a crime if left unattended. When he asks her why she ran away from home, she continues to joke around about it. The two gradually come to know each other through their conflicting conversations, and promise to live together for one week only. Living together while being unaccustomed to each other, the two of them…