Kaidan to Odorou

Kaidan to Odorou Manga

Alternative: 怪談と踊ろう そしてあなたは階段で踊る, Kaidan to Odorou Soshite Anata wa Kaidan de Odoru
View: 14204 views
Artist(s): Ryukishi 07
Genre: Shounen, Horror,
Status: Completed
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Kaidan to Odorou Content

The story is set in a middle school in Shishibone city. Tomohiro Miyajima, the main character of the story, and his group of friends are busy studying for an exam. One day, in search for a thrilling mystery as well as easy money, they take several donation boxes and fabricate a curse to scare everyone: “Ohone-sama’s curse”. After scrawling 骨 (bone) all over ...