Heika, Kokoro No Koe Ga Dadamore Desu!

Heika, Kokoro No Koe Ga Dadamore Desu! Manga

Alternative: 陛下、心の声がだだ漏れです! ; 陛下,您的心声泄露了! ; Your Majesty, the Voice of Your Heart Is Leaking! ; Your Majesty, the Voice of Your Heart Is Leaking Out!
View: 910700 views
Author(s): Shirohi
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Shoujo,
Status: Ongoing
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Heika, Kokoro No Koe Ga Dadamore Desu! Content

Sietsye, a princess hailing from a small country, traveled a long way to the powerful northern Kingdom of Verscia so as to wed its ruler, the haughty and overbearing Emperor Gaizel. The lonely Gaizel was a man known as the Ice Emperor, and is as frightening as he is revered. But, when faced with him, his inner thoughts - a sharp contrast to his icy demeanor - drift over to Sietsye, going far beyond her wildest imaginations—?! Thus begins the story of a love blooming out of a political marriage.