Heian Juukon Monogatari: Juujin Danna-Sama Wa Shojo Hanayome Wo Amaku Torokasu

Heian Juukon Monogatari: Juujin Danna-Sama Wa Shojo Hanayome Wo Amaku Torokasu Manga

Alternative: 平安兽婚物语 ; 平安獣婚物語 ~獣人旦那様は処女花嫁を甘く蕩かす~
View: 1600000 views
Author(s): Umemaru
Genre: Fantasy, Josei, Romance, Smut,
Status: Ongoing
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Heian Juukon Monogatari: Juujin Danna-Sama Wa Shojo Hanayome Wo Amaku Torokasu Content

Lord Lion has the power to talk to animals, but because of the terrifying animal face, no one wants to get close to him. One day, a girl suddenly broke into Lord Lion’s mansion and approached his lonely heart. The sweet story of a human girl and a lone beast has begun.