Constellations of the Gods [Official]

Constellations of the Gods [Official] Manga

Alternative: Das Leben der Götter / 신들의 성좌 / The Constellations of the Gods
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Genre: Fantasy, Romance,
Status: Ongoing
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Constellations of the Gods [Official] Content

Read manhwa Constellations of the Gods [Official] / Das Leben der Götter / 신들의 성좌 Princess of the Underworld and Goddess of Resurrection, Lucalis, comes into being from the peculiar union of Hades and Persephone. Despite her divine nature, Lucalis finds herself facing a challenge beyond her years: she’s never felt love! This has slowed her growth, both in body and heart. With this handicap, how can Lucalis face the jealousies, power struggles, and divas of Olympus’s divine world?

Constellations of the Gods [Official] chapters