Buta Koushaku Ni Tensei Shitakara, Kondo Wa Kimi Ni Suki To Iitai

Buta Koushaku Ni Tensei Shitakara, Kondo Wa Kimi Ni Suki To Iitai Manga

Alternative: Buta Kōshaku ni Tensei Shitakara, Kondo wa Kimi ni Suki to Iitai ; Buta Koushaku ni Tensei Shita kara, Kondo wa Kimi ni Suki to Iitai ; Because I've Been Reincarnated as the Piggy Duke, This Time I Will Say I Like You ; Piggy Duke Want to Say Love to You ; 豚公爵に転生したから、今度は君に好きと言いたい ; 转生猪公爵,这次想说喜欢你
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Author(s): Aida Rhythm
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance, School life, Shounen, Slice of life,
Status: Ongoing
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Buta Koushaku Ni Tensei Shitakara, Kondo Wa Kimi Ni Suki To Iitai Content

After being reincarnated as the villain of the anime that I liked so much, I "The piggy duke" am destined for a bad end. That's why I'll use the power of knowing my future to become popular with the people that hate me in school and this time for sure, I'll confess to you!

Buta Koushaku Ni Tensei Shitakara, Kondo Wa Kimi Ni Suki To Iitai chapters

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