17-sai, Kiss to Dilemma

17-sai, Kiss to Dilemma Manga

Alternative: 17 sai, Kiss to Dilemma, 17岁、亲吻和进退两难, 17歳、キスとジレンマ, 17-sai, Kisu to Dilemma, 17sai, Kiss to Dilemma, 17sai, Kisu to Dilemma
View: 31484 views
Artist(s): YAGAMI Rina
Genre: Romance, Shoujo,
Status: Completed
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17-sai, Kiss to Dilemma Content

At 17 years old, I didn't know anything about life or love. And I wasn't seeing my cousin as a "man"...I'd like to not know anything at all but love changed everything...